Sell Your Merch

Monetize your brand.

Merchandising is important for artists looking to cultivate their brand, improve the experience of customers, compete with others in the sector, and ultimately, drive sales.

displays & signage

competitive pricing

custom designs

tailored marketing

Sell Anything, anywhere.

Merchandising is the art of presenting and promoting goods that you or your team designed - available for purchase online or at events. People are more inclined to purchase merchandise at shows because it’s a memento of the experience.

Product Photos, ai-generated

Design a product and choose the way to showcase it. No need to spend your entire budget on samplers, models, or photographers.


Strengthen Your Brand Identity

Custom merchandise acts as a visual extension of your music and persona. When designed thoughtfully, it reinforces your brand identity, making you instantly recognizable. Whether it's a unique logo, a catchphrase, or artwork from your latest album, your merchandise tells your story.

Deepen Fan Engagement

Offering fans custom merchandise allows them to showcase their loyalty and feel a deeper connection to you. When a fan wears your T-shirt or uses a product with your branding, they're not just supporting you financially; they're proudly displaying their affiliation and love for your music.

Diversify Revenue Streams

In an industry where digital streaming often offers minimal returns, custom merchandise can become a significant source of income. With quality designs that resonate with your audience, merchandise sales can boost your earnings, especially during tours or album launches.

Create Lasting Memories

Think back to concerts you've attended. Often, it's the merchandise – the concert tees, the posters, the badges – that serve as lasting mementos of the experience. By offering beautifully designed custom merchandise, you're giving your fans a keepsake that reminds them of the moments they've shared with you.

Promote Organically

Every time a fan wears or uses your custom merchandise, they're essentially advertising for you. It's word-of-mouth promotion in a visual form. This organic marketing can introduce your music to new potential fans and grow your audience base.

Stand Out in a Crowded Market

The music industry is saturated, and standing out can be challenging. Custom merchandise, especially when it's innovative and well-designed, can set you apart from the crowd. It shows your fans, and the industry at large, that you're invested in offering a holistic experience that goes beyond just music.


Strategic merchandising is about the management of your product - planning for quantities, setting prices, creating displays, developing marketing strategies, and determining discounts.

Artists can employ a number of different strategies to attract people to make purchases, such as display optimization, strategic grouping of products, a well-stocked table with clear signage, highlighting certain products, giving samples, or offering a demonstration. Your business's online store should take note of visual merchandising strategies to appeal to online shoppers.

Merchandising is critical for an artist to make a true return on their investment, as it can directly impact revenue and retention. Whether your work has a physical or online presence to sell, how your present yourself and your products is crucial. Cleanliness, organization, ease of accessibility, and the strategic use of discounts and offers can be the difference between a customer that casually browses once and one that becomes a repeat buyer.

Start Selling Merch

Tell us a bit about your needs, and we’ll get back to you with a plan.